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Pediatric Otolaryngology

What is a pediatric ENT specialist and what does he do?

The ENT specialist can deal with the pediatric part, therefore be interested in the diagnosis and treatment of ENT pathologies in this particular age group.

What are the most common pathologies?

The pediatric ENT specialist most frequently finds himself dealing with the following pathologies, divided into various districts:

1) Ear (and repercussions on hearing and speech): otitis and complications (for example otomastoiditis, tympanic perforations and cholesteatoma); hearing loss and deafness; malformations of the ear (external, middle, internal);

2) Oral cavity and pharynx: adeno-tonsillar hypertrophy, acute and chronic tonsillitis, pfapa syndrome, snoring and sleep apnea (OSA);

3) Nose and paranasal sinuses: rhinitis, rhinosinusitis and complications (orbital, cerebral), nasal polyposis, choanal atresia;

4) Neck: dysembryogenetic pathologies (lateral neck cysts and fistulas, mediated or thyroglossal duct cysts and fistulas), lymphadenitis (acute and chronic), neck abscesses;

For further information or visits, Dr. Teodoro Aragona receives at the medical practices in Ancona , Cosenza and Senigallia .


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